Crime doesn't pay

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It’s true “Crime doesn’t pay”. I mean, if you do something criminal or illegal, it’s a lot of things that could happen to you. The police can put you in jail, if you do something criminal. You can end up in the court, you can also get a fine and that’s pretty stupid because many people who do crime is poor and if they don’t have money. They have to steal to pay the fine. But if they steal they be criminal again, and they get another fine. And then they have to steal again. They are in a circle and it’s difficult to end it. So the only thing to stop the crime is to put them in jail, and let them be there for a long time.


Another thing who can happen if you do crime is that you can feel guilty. All normal people will feel guilty if they do illegal things. And that’s not a good emotion. But I think people who do crime all the time don’t feel guilty. Maybe they feel it the five first times, but now the crime is their life.


You see “Crime doesn’t pay”.

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