A changed life

Historie om en jente i vanskeligheter som får et nytt og bedre liv.
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Hi. I am going to tell you the story about how my life changed. My name is Alice, I am 15 year old girl, and I have a sad and unhappy life. I am skinny, and not very tall. I have a big problem in my life, I have not got any friends. I used to have a friend once, but her family moved to Wales or Ireland, I can not excatly remeber. We used to play funny games an do cool stuff togheter. But that is a long time ago, 3-4 years i think. After that, a have not had a joyful life. I really miss a friend, I could need a few when I am being bullied on the school. I go to school of course, in Birmingham where we live. It is not really bullying it is more that I am outside of the gang, I am not hanging with the cool people, if you understand. There is not only one or two people who is holding me outside me, it is almost the whole class.


The worst thing I know is when someone walks past me and laugh, especially if it is more than just one person, and then the look at me and giggle. I hate giggling, it always means trouble to me. Sometimes I get tears in my eyes. But the thing is that i do not know why they are bully at all, I am not ugly, fat, a nerd or something, I am just a totally normal teenage girl; without no friends. It is a kind of lonley, but I can always survive. I think the grown ups is stupid when they not noticing my situation. Especially the teachers, sitting in class or walking i the schoolyard without to say or do anything. I suppose they are just afraid to get in to a case they just can not handle. And if you try to talk with them it is just stupid and short answers. My parents are not that way, they always ask a lot about the school, my friends and other things. I just tell them that I have plenty of friends I am hanging out with. The fact is that I am hanging out alone. I don’t want to tell my parents, they will not understand it at all. But I am feeling a little misserable about that. Well, then you know a few things about me.


Now I am going to tell the story about how my life got better. I went to school in the morning as usual. Got some bad looks that I just ignored, and kept walking towards the classroom. Before i got that far someone stopped me. “Oh holy crap!”, it was the headmaster. I was terrified ofcourse. I had never spoken to the headmaster before. He said we needed to talk about things, so we went to his office. It was a quite big room, painted with yellow, and really disgusting. We sat down. Then he asked a few questions about how I was in school and that way. He said he had heard some romours about me, that I was “out of the gang” and “not like everyone else”. He said that he wanted to send me to a psychiatrist, just to get someone to talk with. I accepted the offer from the headmaster. Ofcourse it was hard for me to confirm it, but I wondered if this could be an answers to many of my social problems. My first appointment was on monday, so I had the whole weekend to prepair my self. I was a kind of nervous, but I tried to calm my selv down.


Monday came faster than I had tought. I did not go to school, but went to the psychiatrists office. I did had to wait for a long time before lession started. A tall man, with grey hair and glasses was sitting behind a desk. He looked up on me and said: “Hello Alice, I have been expecting you. Have a seat”, he pointed on a large chair right in front of me. He asked what my name was, what things a liked to do, and something other things.


Then we started on the hard part of the lession. Talk about my problems. I do not like to show people my deepest mind, but in this case I just started to talk. He looked into my eyes and listen to what I said. Sometimes he nodded or scratched his fingers. I did really enjoy talking with this man. When I got finish talking, he opened his a said to me: “I and your mother thinks you should change school, start on a privat school with people you may like. You can start a whole new life.” I heard the words who was coming out of his mouth, but I did not quite understand them. New school? New life? I realized that this was a very good idea indeed, and I agreed.


My family is moving to another town, and I am going to start on a school. That is just so cool. I will get a lot of friends and people to share my life with. I have already got a new friend, Carol who is in my new class. I am sure we will stay friends for a long time. We like to do the same things, watch the same programs on tv and almost everything. My first day at school was great. I got to know many people in the class, my teacher was very nice to me, and everything was superb at all. The next days did just fly away like they were minutes. I hung out with my new friends all the time. We were just walking around in the city and doing stuff. There is a very cute boy who is sitting behind me in class. Today I smiled to him, and he smiled back. It has been two weeks since i left my hometown, the school, and all the things I had been growing up with. It is kind of a hard thing ro remeber that I used to be unhappy. It is just feels like something who had happened to me for a century ago or something. Sometimes I think about it, and talks a little with my own soul. And it says: “ Once you were lonley, now yor are happy, but do not forget to remember all the bad things in this world.” And I wont...

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