What I need

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Please, listen to me.

Please, try to understand what I’m going through.

Please, don’t judge me from what you see on the surface.

That’s not the whole truth.

So take a deeper look.

I’m ashamed.


I’m feeling helpless.

So endlessly alone.



Please, stretch out your hand. And don’t pull it back.

Even though it seem I will not reach it.

Cause I will. I’ll promise you I will.

I just need some time.

To be ready and to trust your hand will always be there.

I need you to be here for me always.

Not only when you can see I’m down.

I need you also when I seem to be ok. When I’m smiling.

And laughing. Cause inside I’m not.

Inside I’m crying.


Please, be gentle. I’m so weak.

I can’t handle you being tough on me when I’m too tough on myself.

I can fall apart anytime.

That’s why I need you here. Supporting me.

Holding me up.

When I’m holding myself down.


I don’t know how much longer I can handle it myself.

I’m tired. Exhausted. Giving up.

Still –

There is a flashing light.

It’s you I see. Far away.

So, I’m whispering:


please come closer and light up my life.

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