Pink the ruler colour

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It was that time when it was the pigs was ruling over the world and the humans were slaves. Everything was pink. Houses, horse wagons, houses and even the king’s castle were pink. It was a dissent time humans. They were working on farms and if they coloured anything one other colour they would be hanged ore the worst ting was the jail in the bottom of the castle.


The ruling colour was therefore pink, nobody could do something about it the king thought. But there was one man who lived in the forest. His name was Knut Hood. He had always his green cloth on and his brown shoes. He was a good bow man and lived on food from the wood and did not earn any money sow he was never in the town.


One they there was a pig coming true the forest and you could se that he was lost. Knut met him with his bow drawn back. “I come in peace”: said the pig. Knut took down the bow and asked: “What are you doing out here all by yourself. Are you lost ore something? What  your name by the way? The pig look around before he answer: “I painted my house blue and the king sent order to bring me to him. I manage to get away and I run in to the this big forest, the soldier did not want to go in because the was afraid of a man called Knut Hood who is suppose to live in here. Do you now who it is?”

“Yes you are talking to him right now, but you haven’t told my you name yet.” “Is it you! It’s an honour to meet you. My name is Peter but my friends call me Big Pig” They began to walk further in to the forest and were talking.


After a little while they had become friends and they found out that they would not tolerate the tings the king was doing. They began to make a plan to get the king of the throne, but they had to get some more man. They went to farms and took the humans who were slaves and food, and disappeared in to the forest. The king was very angry on Knut and Big Pig. He sent out soldiers to bring them to them, but they came never back. Some of them joined Knut Hood and his team but those who didt was put I some small jails they hade made out of wood. The good thing was that they got a lot of free weapons from the soldier’s sow they could use in fight. The trained a lot whit weapons made out of wood and after a while they ware a pretty big army and but it was a bit smaller than the kings army.


The day was come and they were going to battle, the king had no idea of what was going out in the forest and now they came. Pigs and humans together to stop slavery and to use other colour than pink.


They had been training for two years and they had built catapults and weapons. They had to be careful when they came sow the outpost could send a message to the king. They took out the outpost and after a few hours they had come to the city walls. They had set up the catapults and were ready to fire. Knut Hood was the leader of the humans and Big Pig for the pigs. “Aaaattack” could you hear from Knut and everyone run to the walls with ladders on there backs and want over the wall. They fight there way true the soldier and many of them just gave up. When they came to the top, the king had locked him self up in his room but that was now problem for Knut Hood. He want to the roof and took a rope and want in to the window. The king was terrified, wound his sword and began fighting. They jumped all over the room and after a while the herd big drums in the door. But they were still fighting. Knut hit the kings sword out of his hand and he began to go backward. He didt look behind him and he fell out of the window and died. Then Big Pig manages to get true the door. “Were is the king?” he said. Knut just looked out of the window. “Oww, I see.”


Knut became the new king with his good helper Big Pig and the new colour was blue and green but nobody was punishments if they had another colour. And all of them lived happily ever after. 


Don’t you ever only use on colour.

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